
Shaun of the Dead >> Fine Art Fundraiser

June saw me return to The Winchester to perform some more live visual entertainment - this time in the name of charity...'The Fine Art Fundraiser' - or as my mate Luke called it the 'Fungal Foot Powder' - don't ask! I was asked to create some zombie art...and that was pretty much that in terms of guidance so I just went crazy and produced some material which was to be auctioned off at the end of the evening...

A touch of fun saw the 'Shaun of the Dead' themed evening aptly take place in the Winchester pub - the place they decide best in the film to have the last stand...

>> A clip from youtube

>> while we are on the matter of summing up movies in 5 seconds be sure to check out these beauties...f**king hilarious procrastination time...

Now, back to reality... and here are some truly awful pictures taken on my phone of the art I produced for the event.

Perhaps the only relevant drawing of the night...

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