
UKADAPTA... i understand now

Having delved a bit deeper into this 'UKADAPTA' phenomenon (and typed its name into google) I have begun to realise its context and function within the digital world and it seems that it is not only a random collection of crazily good artwork- and strangely enough it has quite a few connections with what has inspired me this last year.

They curate an exhibition with which they say;

'Adapta is a satellite project in collaboration with Schoeni Art Gallery in Hong Kong and Adapta UK, based in London. Adapta will bridge the gap between the understanding of this Urban Art movement in the European and Asian art markets, creating a dialogue which, until now, has been relatively unobserved. We believe that the talent-pool that Urban Art offers is extraordinary and hand-picking each artist specifically for each show will demonstrate, educate and provide a wealth of inspiration for the youth of today; especially in broadening their sensitivity towards the society and environment they live in and in nurturing their passion and determination on their interests.'

I can only dream but one day I would love them to perform in Bournemouth for Moon Street. The UKADAPTA site also features a magazine - (more in-depth blog) including artist interviews and events....

Still, it is a good read and an interesting development to fuse the UK and Asian markets to understand the urban art scene.

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