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Been reading throughone of my favourite magazines sites --- Wired --- and this caught my eye. The co-founder of piratebay. Now i'm not endorsing his work - but coupled with the aggro over wiki leaks, isn't there a right to freedom of information - be it digital 1s and 0s? Whether you think the modern day digital download and fileshare culture is illegal or not he's been landed a hefty 30 million fine! read on...

Here is a useful insight from Larry Lessig into the psyche of our generation with regards to the use of internet, downloading files, and sharing videos on the move, quickly and without thinking - READ//WRITE, RE//MIX intertextuality in modern society- is it stealing? Is copyright the real thief?

Is it just the norm now for our digital appetites to demand instant gratification?

Is it that keyboard warriors across the globe are uniting against corporate strangle-holds?

Is it vital for our generation to keep sharing content to provide inspiration fresh and innovative? I'm not too sure, what I am sure about is that the music industry is fighting a losing battle it seems, and in some weird round-about way- it seems that as a band/group/DJs only real source of income is through touring and live shows, surely their performance has to be spot on = a better end result? Whatever you think, copyright is indeed an issue needing to be thought about.


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